From time to time we all get frustrated by somebody’s rather narrow view of the world on a particular issue.  Talkback radio and inane conversations are often situations where strident pronouncements occur.

Despite the knowledge and skills we each have, there is always the danger that what we believe to be the case about something or other, is far from the real truth of the situation.  It is easy to run the danger of being as limited in our knowledge on a particular subject as a frog in a well.

The only way individuals can become broadly knowledgeable about as many topics as possible is to become avid seekers after knowledge and truth.  The technological revolution, far from exacerbating the haves/have nots divide, is now, via the medium of ordinary mobile phones, now greatly fostering equality of opportunity. A 2010 United Nations study found that mobile phones are one of the most effective advancements history has ever known to lift people out of poverty.  The African continent currently boasts 50% of its population using a mobile phone.

The question educators face, at whatever level in the system, is how do we entice students to become hungry for knowledge over a broad spectrum of knowledge areas?   Smart phones and various tablets that can access the internet are the superior vehicles for accelerating the knowledge revolution amongst the young.  Apps of one kind or another can reveal really exciting information which can stun the originator of a question such as this – what are the most mind blowing statistics you can find about the universe?  Young men and boys would become more engaged with their education by finding answers to such tantalising questions, which in a competitive setting, get the blood running!!

Narrowness of thought is a great blight in any human being.  We owe it to our young people to excite them about the profound information the cosmos contains. All they need is some guidance and direction to spark their enquiry and enthusiasm for knowledge.

Patrick J. Lynch