The Prime Minister’s announcement today of a significant education funding initiative is to be warmly welcomed.

For many years leaders of the school sector have talked about what would materially improve learning outcomes for young people in a practical way in schools. Today, the announcement by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education to create a new structure, which will harness the skills of some of the most effective leaders and practitioners in the business, enabling them to share their expertize, is very welcome.

The national and regional structure of our school networks will dramatically benefit from what is proposed.

The Minister of Education’s Education Cross Sector Forum which has been meeting with her since May 2012 has helped shape what has been announced. It is a product of useful collaboration.

The twenty-first century is one where alliances and collaboration are the tools for creating winners, while providing a hand-up for those who need assistance. This concept is the basis of today’s announcement.

23 January 2014

Patrick J. Lynch
(04) 496-1739 Wk
(027 4) 905 396 Mobile.