School payment requests may vary from school to school but there is no charge for education at a state integrated school for domestic students aged 5 – 19 years.

Proprietors of integrated schools may charge attendance dues, which are enforceable, but the level of these must not be greater than the amount approved by the Minister of Education and published in the New Zealand Gazette.

All requests for other payments should indicate clearly that they are a donation and accordingly are voluntary in nature.

There can be no interest charged for unpaid attendance dues, purchases of goods and/or services – unless parents agree to purchase goods and services they will not be liable for payment.

Parent payments.JPG

Click here for more information.


Education Conversation | Kōrero Mātauranga – The Ministry have extended the online survey deadline to 31 October. Click here to fill it in.

Disability and Learning Support Action Plan – Consultation closes on 31 October. Click here for more.

Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Ministerial Advisory Group – Seeking feedback on its emerging ideas by 30 November, click here.