Appointments in state-integrated schools

The special character of state integrated schools, as enabled by Schedule 6 of the Education and Training Act 2020 and their individual integration agreement, means that the schools need to undertake additional requirements in the employment process.  These extra requirements include additional wording in the advertisements and employment documentation, and consultation with the proprietor.

Please visit the NZSTA Resource Centre for information regarding appointments in state integrated schools. APIS advise all boards to consult with their NZSTA employment advisors if they have any questions about the employment process.

Letters of appointment which cover a range of roles in AIS schools and include fixed term and permanent versions are now available from the NZSTA Resource Centre. They are an essential resource for schools and Boards to ensure compliance when making a formal offer.

Visit the NZSTA website for all information regarding:

  • Positions and advertising requirements
  • Consulting with the proprietor
  • Permanent Special Character and Special position letters
  • Fixed term Special Character and Special position letters
  • General positions within state-integrated schools

Please contact your proprietor for more advice and support.