Ki ngā tumuaki, kaiako, poari me ngā mātua, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mō te wā nei
No More Bullies
This is a new adventure in the series of Chainey and Marty books. The cost is $14.95 each or $8.00 each if you purchase a class set (20 books or more). For more information about the book go to or contact or by phone 0276530478
The Religious Diversity Centre (RDC)
The Religious Diversity Centre in Aotearoa New Zealand has launched its website This website will give information on upcoming events and programmes that are happening around the country. The site will expand as new programmes develop.
A Happy Classroom
To improve your classroom’s happiness index you need to create positive experiences by reducing students’ stress. Focus on strengths not weaknesses, use language to encourage not to discourage, and reduce the fears of failure, criticism and embarrassment. Martin Seligman identifies five essential elements of well-being:
– Positive emotion
– Engagement
– Relationships
– Meaning and purpose
– Accomplishment
(Excerpt from “Chasing Happiness in the Classroom” by Sarah McKibben in Education Update, November 2016)
Learning from the Seasons: a Circle of Trust® Series
This is the first in a series of 4 one-day retreats. The Wisdom of Autumn is being held on Saturday 8 April 2017, at Te Puna near Tauranga. For further information please contact Mennie Scapens on 027 686 7449 or
Scotland Aims to Become the World’s First Daily Mile Nation – A Good Idea
Elaine Wyllie, a former primary school principal from Scotland asked a class of 11 year olds to run around a field and was surprised to see what a struggle it was. But after a month of daily running most of the students managed to finish the route which was roughly a mile and took about 15 minutes. And so her plan was hatched for a simple daily run, no equipment, no kit and no costs. Scotland is aiming to become the world’s first daily-mile nation with roll-out to nurseries, schools, colleges, universities and workplaces across the country.
Flip or Flop Conference 23-24 June 2017, in Wellington
FlipCon NZ are holding a 2 day conference at Samuel Marsden Collegiate School in Wellington. For registration and full information visit Keynote speakers include Jon Bergmann and Cathy Snelling.
Fundraising Opportunity
Sir Edmund Hillary personally signed ice axes are available as a fundraiser for charities and schools. The standard price to charities is $2995.00, of which a percentage goes to the people of Nepal. A sale or return option is also available. Information is on or email
Confronting Barriers to Education
In the latest edition of Kappan, an American journal for educators, there is a focus on the impact that teacher perception has on the outcomes of black children. It may provide some points for us to ponder. Some teachers believe ‘colour-blindness is a good thing.
Colour-blindness includes teacher statements like: I try to ignore skin colour in order to view minority students as individuals; Sometimes I wonder why we can’t see each other as individuals instead of race always being an issue; It is rude when Latino students speak Spanish in the classroom.
There are some uncomfortable tensions involved in such statements. The article might provide some reflective material for staff development, because it challenges some of the perceptions we have in defending what schools do or don’t do. Copies of the article can be provided by NZCEO on request of
NZ Youth Delegates to Roman Synod Announced
Pope Francis has convoked the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for October 2018 with the topic: Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. The NZCBC has nominated two delegates to attend a preparatory meeting in Rome at the start of April 2016. We congratulate Isabella McCafferty, Wellington, and Teresa McNamara, Auckland, on being chosen to represent New Zealand.
There is a Time For…
This book follows the Ecclesiasticus message that there is a season for everything (3:1-9) and offers original prayers and reflections on family life situations by New Zealanders, including children from our schools. It is compiled and edited by Fr James Lyons and has many photographs throughout of the landscapes and people of New Zealand. To purchase your copy for $25.00 phone 04 496 1700 or email
Useful Ideas for Teaching Science in a Catholic School
- Include aspects of the wonder of creation, the ‘gift’ of our world, the need for appropriate moral awareness and well developed conscience.
- Look into the concept of a consistent ethic of life. The Nathaniel Centre has great material on this sort of issue.
- Another great website for getting around the science/religion debate is
- The Catholic Church does not have a problem with the theory of evolution, it doesn’t state or prove that God does not create.
- Laudato Si, the Pope’s letter on care of our common home
“My mind wanders far away during class. I’m part of a distance learning programme.”
Journey to the Holy Land

Tourist of Pilgrim?
In September and October of this year, Pat McCarthy will lead a 20 day ‘Journey to the Holy Land’ pilgrimage to Jordan, Israel and Palestine. The Chaplain will be Bishop Steve Lowe of Hamilton. To find out more phone Pat at 09 480 4463; or email or see